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              It all started in 1993, when a young Justin Channing Garraux was introduced to the world. Little did anyone know the  greatness that awaited this child. By the age of 3 Justin published his first symphony. When he was 10, Justin successfully parallell parked a train, and after being rewarded a full ride to Yale, he declined to stay in his hometown, Charleston South Carolina, the most excellent city in the world to attend the liberal arts College of Charleston. This is where he began his mastering of the Adobe world.

              After one of his most challenging semesters in the Fall of 2013, it was clear that Justin was well on his way to digital greatness. This site is dedicated to the works Justin created in in-design, Illistrator, and photoshop under the guidance of Christine Moore during this semester.

               Some works will make you laugh and some will make you cry, but one thing is for sure, the Garraux experience is truely a piece of art. So sit back, Relax, and enjoy

Justin Channing Garraux

© 2023 by Justin Channing Garraux. Proudly created with

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